The Greenhouse Book

inside looking out

"The Greenhouse" book is a personal project documenting the vulnerability within one's spirit and the paths we take throughout each season of our lives. This book was made with love, created with the help of friends (30 to be exact), and made to be shared with strangers. I hope this inspires you to be more vulnerable with yourself, and see others with more grace and understanding.

Moriah Yex

Creator and W[a/o]nderer

Moriah is a tenured freelance photographer with an unending passion for exploring the innermost workings of the human mind, soul, and spirit. She loves to listen to the testimony of all those who cross her path and capture the individual beauty everyone has within and without. It is her mission to go on to publish more works in the form of photography books, poetry, free verse compilations, and maybe even one day a sci-fi novel. Supporting this project will allow a 6-year journey to come to fruition, and a great effort, on behalf of many, to make it somewhere other than a computer hard drive.